The return policy applies to items that are received damaged, dried-out, or broken due to delivery/transit issues. In such cases, customers may be eligible for either an exchange or a credit note of the same value. It is the company’s prerogative to decide if a shipped item is damaged enough to qualify for return or a credit note.

Allergic reactions to products are not covered under this policy. In case the product is out of stock, a credit note (coupon) of the same amount will be issued. Change of mind, not liking the product color, etc are not covered under this return policy.

Gifts purchased by customers for others are not eligible for returns, except if they have been damaged, broken, or dried out in transit. The return process must be initiated within 3 days of purchase, and no claims will be honored after 10 business days of receiving the order. The easy return policy does not apply to claims of us selling fake or inauthentic products; our products are 100% genuine.